Due to today’s fast and tiring lifestyles especially in the cities, many times we forget to water the plants on a regular basis eventually leading to the death of the plant. If we could monitor whether the plants are watered, we can avoid this problem.
product for watering plants regularly
Just by monitoring moisture content in the soil, we can know when to water the plant. The condition of the plant itself can be monitored by the moisture content in the soil. My idea is having the moisture detection sensor in the soil. Once the moisture content goes below a required minimum level, a lamp lights up reminding people to water their plants and when the plant is water to a level it is required, the light color changes. When the moisture content is enough, the light stays OFF.
The ideal user would be someone who
- is working long hours in the office
- has a busy life
- travels a lot
- has plants and forgets about them
Since, these people forget about watering their plants because lifestyles, having an indication right in front of their eyes would help in reminding them of watering them.
I see this lamp being placed on dining tables, near TV cabinets and/or place where our eyes usually glaze in the house.
I initially thought of having these lamps in the flower pot itself but the plants in people’s homes are usually kept in
- corners
- windows
- and various such places
Places which are not right in front of eyes unless we look particularly in such places.
Soil Moisture Sensor
Arduino Uno
NeoPixel LED Strip
The looks like prototype. For me, the main criteria was that the lamp itself should resemble a plant.
Material Testing
I explored a few alternatives like acrylic, styrene, paper supported with a frame structure. But I decided to stick with acrylic. Even with acrylic, I explored a few different combinations to get the best diffusion of light. The white translucent acrylic gives the best diffusion out of these.
After deciding on the material, I had to figure out how to place the LED strips to get the best diffusion. Placing just a single one-sided facing LED strip in the middle of the body, leaves one side bright and one side dark.
Placing a double-sided facing LED strip leaves a thick dark line in the middle and the LEDs too close surface resulting in the appearance of light spots on the surface.
Based on the results from the material tests, I changed the shape of the body.
From square cross-section, I made it an octagonal cross-section.
I placed 4 LED strips on 4 alternative sides of the structure.
On the other 4 sides are the branch-like structures.
All the electronic components are housed in the base made out of plywood.
To give it a more tree-like and pleasing look, I stained the plywood with ebony stain.
Working Prototype
Water Me!
I’m Good!